Screenplay Consultant, Script Doctor, Script Consultant, or Screenplay Doctor?

There are so many different names for this service, but the bottom line is you are a producer, agent, director, investor, or filmmaker, you are under pressure, and you need my services.


Why do you need a screenplay consultant? want to make sure you have done everything possible to make sure your script is a million dollar script and that it has all of the necessary elements that will make your film a blockbuster success.


When you are in the business of making films, it's all about saving time and money. A passionate and professional script consultant can help you in a very big way.


As your personal script doctor, I can quickly narrow down that huge list of potential screenplays into a skinny pile of blockbuster screenplays that match your specific requirements.


My services allow you to spend your valuable time and money pursuing the screenplays that are the most likely to succeed in a gigantic way.

Yes, credit card payments are accepted...


List of Services (Summary)


Here is a summary of my services for producers, agents, directors, investors, and filmmakers etc.:


Screenplay Coverage Service is only used if your screenplay is ready to go out into the world. This means you are confident you have the final version of your screenplay.


1. Basic Screenplay Coverage Service** (2 - 4 pages)  $250.00*

2. Extended Screenplay Coverage Service** (4 - 6 pages)  $350.00*


Screenplay Analysis Service is only used if you only have a first draft of your screenplay and it still has some rough spots that need work. In other words, your script is still in the development stage.


3. Basic Screenplay Analysis Service (2 - 4 pages)  $360.00*

4. Extended Screenplay Analysis Service (4 - 6 pages)  $425.00*

5. Super-Extended Screenplay Analysis Service (7 - 8 pages)  $550.00*


Additional Services are only used when you have also ordered Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service. These fees are lower than the Stand-Alone Services because you are ordering Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service.


6. Additional One-On-One Screenplay Consultation Service $190.00*

7. Additional Proofread and Edit of Screenplay Service $200.00*


Stand-Alone Services are only used when you are not ordering Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service.


8.  Stand-Alone One-On-One Screenplay Consultation Service $350.00*

9.  Stand-Alone Proofread and Edit of Screenplay Service $300.00*


10. Book Coverage Service $500.00


Screenplay Rewrite and/or Edit Service is only used if you have an existing screenplay that needs to be fixed and/or edited.


11. Screenplay Rewrite and/or Edit Service $3,000.00*


Screenplay Marketing Services are used to prepare your completed screenplay material for marketing to other interested parties.


12. Pitch and/or Logline Service $500.00*

13. Brief Synopsis Service $500.00*

14. Query Letter Service $900.00*


List of Services (Detailed Breakdown)


Here are the detailed breakdowns of my services for producers, agents, directors, investors, and filmmakers etc.:


Screenplay Coverage Service is only used if your screenplay is ready to go out into the world. This means you are confident you have the final version of your screenplay.


1. Basic Screenplay Coverage Service** (2 - 4 pages) $250.00*


This is exactly the same type of coverage that a major Hollywood studio or producer requests when material is submitted to them for consideration. It includes a 1 - 2 page synopsis plus 1 - 2 pages of general notes on the material. This is perfect for a final draft or script that is ready to be given to other interested parties. My Basic Screenplay Coverage Service will let you know whether your story is coming across as intended and whether or not it has any weak spots or areas of confusion. The turnaround time is 1 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.


2. Extended Screenplay Coverage Service** (4 - 6 pages) $350.00*


This is the same format as the Basic Screenplay Coverage Service but goes into greater detail in the synopsis and notes sections. The turnaround time is 1 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.


Screenplay Analysis Service is only used if you only have a first draft of your screenplay and it still has some rough spots that need work. In other words, your script is still in the development stage.


3. Basic Screenplay Analysis Service (2 - 4 pages) $360.00*


This is an excellent tool for first draft material or material that still has rough spots that need work. It includes comprehensive notes addressing all the strengths and weaknesses of the material. The analysis is broken out into specific, detailed areas such as plot, characterization, set-up, etc. The turnaround time is 1 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.


4. Extended Screenplay Analysis Service (4 - 6 pages) $425.00*


This is in the same format as the Basic Screenplay Analysis Service but concentrates in greater detail on the plotlines, themes, and dramatic arcs of the script. The turnaround time is 1 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.


5. Super-Extended Screenplay Analysis Service (7 - 8 pages) $550.00*


This is in the same format as the Extended Screenplay Analysis Service but goes into even greater detail and covers every possible aspect of the screenplay including areas such as marketability, tone, production notes, etc. The turnaround time is 1 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.


Additional Services are only used when you have also ordered Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service. These fees are lower than the Stand-Alone Services because you are ordering Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service.


6. Additional One-On-One Screenplay Consultation Service $190.00*


Add up to one hour of private phone consultation to any Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service. Use this time to discuss in greater detail any of the feedback or comments from the coverage or analysis, or work together to fix specific trouble areas such as plot, dialogue or characterization.


7. Additional Proofread and Edit of Screenplay Service $200.00*


A thorough proofread and edit of your script can be requested along with any Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service. You will receive a marked-up hardcopy of your script for your convenience.


Stand-Alone Services are only used when you are not ordering Screenplay Coverage Service or Screenplay Analysis Service.


8.  Stand-Alone One-On-One Screenplay Consultation Service $350.00*


Up to one hour of private phone consultation without any other service requested. Use this time to review and discuss specific pages of a script, or work together to develop or fix general areas such as plot, dialogue, or characterization.


9.  Stand-Alone Proofread and Edit of Screenplay Service $300.00*


A thorough proofread and edit of your script without any other service requested. This is a great way to give that final draft a finishing polish before sending it to a producer, agent, or other interested parties. You will receive a marked-up hardcopy of your script for your convenience.


10. Book Coverage Service (2 - 4 pages)  $500.00*


This service provides you with general thoughts on how to turn your book into a screenplay and if this can be accomplished. The turnaround time for my Book Coverage Service is 3 - 4 weeks depending upon current workload.


Screenplay Rewrite and/or Edit Service is only used if you have an existing screenplay that needs to be fixed and edited.


11. Screenplay Rewrite and/or Edit Service $3,000.00*


This service is based on the amount of work that is required to fix and edit an existing screenplay. The rewriting and editing fees start at $3,000.00 and are based on if more than half the screenplay needs to be edited or rewritten. NOTE: Each project is unique and requires different attention based on genre and specific Hollywood screenwriting standards, so these fees can vary based on the specific needs of each screenplay.


Screenplay Marketing Services are used to prepare your completed screenplay material for marketing to other interested parties.


12. Pitch and/or Logline Service $500.00*


A logline and/or pitch are pretty much the same thing and by industry standards should not be longer than two lines. The pitch/logline should convey the main character's goal and main conflict of the screenplay and should hint at the genre and theme.


Once the logline/pitch is complete the second step would be to complete the brief synopsis and then to complete the query letter which is what your screenplay will need in order to market your project.


This is how agents and producers (or other interested parties) determine if your project is something they are currently seeking and looking for and will aid you in finding the right people that are interested in the project you have to market. The turnaround time for the logline/pitch is 1 - 2 weeks depending upon current workload.


13. Brief Synopsis Service $500.00*


The brief synopsis is accompanied with the pitch and appears in the Query Letter. A brief synopsis is a short, one paragraph description of the main character and main idea of the screenplay. The purpose of the brief synopsis is to accompany the logline/pitch in the query letter for the purpose of getting other parties interested in your project. The turnaround time for the Brief Synopsis is 1 - 2 weeks depending upon current workload.


14. Query Letter Service $900.00*


This service includes the pitch/logline service, brief synopsis service, and a brief description of the writer and his background (if requested). This includes everything you need to have a professionally written query letter ready to send to other interested parties and will aid in the marketing of your screenplay and project. The query letter should not (must not) be more than one page long. The turnaround time for the complete Query Letter Service is 2 - 3 weeks depending upon current workload.



* All prices are based on a Hollywood standard format screenplay (12 point, Courier font, margins no less than 1", etc.) and with a length up to 110 pages. Scripts longer than 110 pages require an additional $1 per page.


** Screenplay Coverage Service includes the following:


1. Rating Grid (The screenplay's Structure, Storyline/Plot, Character, and Dialogue will be given a rating based on the following scale Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor.)


2. An evaluation of the writer and material will be conducted with a final recommendation of (PASS, CONSIDER or RECOMMEND)

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