Filmography -  Kevin Douglas Wright


Film Producer (3 titles)


1. Royal Love Story From The Grave  (film producer) (announced) (2011)
2. Untitled (film producer) (2015)
3. Untitled (film producer) (2016)


Screenwriter (3 titles)


1. Royal Love Story From The Grave  (screenplay) (announced) (2011)
2. Untitled (screenplay) (2015)
3. Untitled (screenplay) (2016)


Film Director (3 titles)


1. Royal Love Story From The Grave  (announced) (2011)
2. Untitled (2015)
3. Untitled (2016)


Film Editor (3 titles)


1. Royal Love Story From The Grave  (announced) (2011)
2. Untitled (2015)
3. Untitled (2016)


Cinematographer (3 titles)


1. Royal Love Story From The Grave  (announced) (2011)
2. Untitled (2015)
3. Untitled (2016)


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